everybody according to someone. in reality a poser is someone who pretends to be someone they are not. only acting a certain way because they want to be accepted. the problem is someone is going to call you a poser no matter what. the term has lost all meaning really. i once heard a jackass call marilyn manson a poser. really? who is he trying to be if not simply himself? so in short everybody is a poser apparently.
bob: have you listened to the new gwar album?

jack: you like gwar? you're such a poser.

bob: you're a fucking idiot. why do we even hang out?
by JONNYNEKRO April 23, 2011
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One who attempts to appear to others as something they are not, especially by their manner of dress; a charlatan.

also 'poseur'
Take off that gold chain Julio, you're such a fucking poser!
by Tracey December 28, 2004
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Any one who does not follow his/her own ideas of what he/she likes. Following no one set norm makes you real and following no one set norm makes you poser. Poser is governed not by the clothes, music, or makeup you wear, but rather by the state of your mind and the conformity to your own beliefs.
Posers conform to the beliefs of others.
by Alive June 24, 2003
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Virtually every kid in my school. They're almost all middle class, suburban white kids, who wear there pants to their ankles, and say they're "gangsta". 1, maybe 2 kids have any ties to gang activity. You ain't a gangsta, so pull your pants up!
poser gangsta: Wassup White boy?

Me:You're just as caucasian as me

him: ...
by A regular kid November 29, 2006
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A word popularized by the teenagers of this generation. It is used to describe someone who is "biting off" another person, and one who tries to fit in with a group. Honestly, no one even gives a shit about who are "posers" and who aren't. In today's logic, any newcomer is a poser, or anyone who decides to wear something else or listen to something else is a poser. The word is used to bash those who try new things regardless of reason for doing so, and it's one of the most overused words by teenagers. It is mostly used by people who have no self-esteem and resort to talking down to other people or friends to satisfy themselves. Seriously people, fuck off already.
Guy #1: Dude, stop wearing LRG, you're such a fucking poser!
Guy #2: Whateva, I do what I want!
by Anonymous Dude February 26, 2008
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1.People who pretend to be something they're not because they think it makes them realy cool when in actual fact it makes them look like desperate wannabe's who can't get friends any other way (which is what they are).

2.Also when people pretend to like, for instance, a band when actauly they just think the lead singer is 'hot' as opposed to actualy liking the music.
Poser: OMG i sooooooooooo love mcr! They are like my favourite band.
Non-poser: Realy? same, i realy like their music. My favourite song is probably 'You know what they do to guys like u in prison'. Whats yours?
Poser: ummm...uh...i dunno but Gerard Way is waaaaay hot!

(btw im not saying mcr are not hot im just saying that thats the ONLY reason the posers will like the band, because they think they're hot.)

by I-hate-posers April 4, 2006
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Poser; One who conforms to other people's ideas, has no original ideas, and tries to be someone they're not. They typically ditch their original group of friends to try and hang out with people that are "cool" in hopes of becoming popular. They will also go out and buy a mass order of "cool" clothes from Hot Topic or something.

Signs of a Poser - 1. The poser will start hanging out with people you would never expect. 2. They will change their style of clothes. e.g. They will wear tennis shorts but will soon be wearing skinny jeans and tight jackets. 3. Potential poser name: First name: Vance; Last name: La
Person 1: "Hey, you know Vance?"

Person 2: "Vance La?"

Person 1: "Yeah, him."

Person 2: "Yeah. He's such a poser. No one likes him."
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