1. Forceful, yet playful interaction between a throbbing happy-rod and <insert orifice here>. Doesn't really need much more explanation.
person1: haha! she got penised in her/the <insert orifice here>!
by aka_Pyro May 26, 2007
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Long, Soft, Hard edible substance, also great for the hard to reach areas.
I had a great taste of that Penise, then i used it to scratch my Clit.
by Jason Something June 15, 2003
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The verb of the noun "penis" meaning to engage in activities involving the male genetalia. Sentences involving this word are useful to relieve the monotony of tedious lessons, CCF exercises. Try exclaiming one of the examples below when everything is quiet.
Sir, tell Chris to stop penising me...

'Tis rather penising, is it not peaceful maiden?

Sometimes this place is just so penising.

I hear they've booked Chris for penising with intent.
by Ed W, who is Lord November 11, 2004
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Zakainen's feeble attempt at communicating with humans.
Zakainen@#aochat: Zakainen says, 'Penise.'
by Renko June 19, 2004
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(Noun) someone who does annoying things to people with his penis quite often.
"Will's such a peniser. He came all over mike's pants."
by Josh August 27, 2004
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Often used when defeating another player in video games. Made popular by players in halo 3 who would often change their symbol to a grenade and a banner. This when changed to one color (commonly red- got raped so hard there was blood) look a lot like a penis.
Winner: Haha look at that looser, I penised him soo bad.

Looser: WTF are you talking about?
by SeeDemTails September 19, 2009
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1. (verb) To grab a male's crotch, usually in an attempt to grab the penis. Can be done for any reason but is usually done out of perversion or immaturity.

2. (verb) To act in a flaming gay manner.
1. Don't you ever penisize me again, that's just gross.

2. Quit penisizing, man, that's not cool.
by PvtChurch May 9, 2005
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