The ill-advised consumption of the common household spice Myristica fragrans, which, when taken in large quantities (about a tablespoon or more), will cause a minor inebriation characterized by light-headedness and intermittent mild euphoria alternating with the horrible side effects of intense nausea, severe headache, heart palpitations, abdominal pain, bone pain, muscle aches, and delirium; a cheap and unpleasant high commonly sought after by those without access to decent, safer drugs like marijuana, cocaine, opiates, and almost anything else besides Drano. May cause liver damage.
Friend #1: Man, I wish we had some pot. Mom's got nutmeg. You wanna do some nutmegging?
Friend #2: Fuck you, man ... the last time we did that I couldn't shit for three days and I felt like I wished I was only sick with a terrible case of the fucking FLU! I'll never forgive you for that SHIT!
Friend #1: SORRY! Instead of nutmegging, you wanna inhale some gasoline fumes?
Friend #2: Yeah, that'll suck ... but at least it's not fucking NUTMEGGING! I'll get the gas can and the paper bag.
Friend #1: Cool. You're a real friend. stupid Colorado medical emergency
by THE DOOMED STUFFING November 4, 2014
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1. A crazy, wacko idiot.
2. A spice
1. James: I can fly!!!! See, I'm flying!!!
Sarah: Shut up, nutmeg.

2. Add half a teaspoon of nutmeg.
by loserssayWHAT April 1, 2007
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Nutmeg is when you say something that has never been said before and will never be said again Kyle Cease. One can be: dude lets bring some sprite into this bitch. another: dude maxwell coffee is the shit! The most famouse one is:Lets put some nutmeg in this mother fucker
John: Dude i cant believe you havent seen Species 2.
Dave:Dude i have a life thats a fucking nutmeg
by Hahayeaho July 16, 2008
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getting stupidly high off of eating large amounts of nutmeg.
Dude, I was nutmegging yesterday, and I feel like I'm going to vomit.
by Wilmmer September 25, 2010
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When you teabag someone during the month of December.
Charles made it a habit of nutmegging his kills in Call of Duty last December.
by ifixphns December 22, 2020
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That one sister in law with the bigg ass forehead. You can see it from miles away.
What's blinding me? Oh Nutmeg must be close by.
by Nugmegwiththebigforehead January 21, 2020
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1. a slang term for lsd. 2. also a spice often used in egg nog.
1. jimmy and jack dropped some nutmeg last night and they were fucked up. 2. every christmas i like to put a sprinkle of nutmeg on my egg nog.
by frank345 August 25, 2010
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