A Moni, is a high pitched bulgarian squirrel. It is usually very short, and acts as a pest in the animal, and human society. At a first glance, this creature might appear human, but after getting a closer look and better experience the Moni's personality, you may want to harm this creature. But, beware, for it has vocal cords similar to that of a human, like a parrot, which is what makes it so high pitched. This creature develops grudges against those who have reason to dislike it (everyone!)

Moni Kineti is an example of a Moni. (They all start with Moni.)
by Fallus Phyllis April 18, 2009
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An aesthetically pleasing,physically fit male. a.k.a A man-pony,
monied-pas tense

Comes from the definition of "Pony": referring to an attractive female.

Can be used as a compliment by women in a sexual way or by men in a non-sexual way, but is mainly used as a self title.
"I'm a mony bud."

"Your lookin like a genuine mony today stud."

"Do you think that guy's a mony?....fag"

"Monies know they'll be gettin their dick sucked."

"I'm off gettin monied up at the gym."
by kballs April 15, 2009
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Monies. The complete and utterly retarded form of currency.

Greg- Hmmm, i'll go to the cash machine and take out twenty monies.
Jack- MONIES!!

Sean-One-one hundredths of a monies. i.e. 1 pence.
by Jack ala Sean ala Greg September 25, 2008
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A short girl of Mexican descent who frequents book stores, coffee shops and craft stores. Enjoys scrapbooking and diagramming sentences. Likes to bake, watch the History channel, have long conversations, discuss philosophy, preach atheism, correct grammar, abuse exclamation points, take pictures and rob banks.
I saw Moni at the book store yesterday.
Moni's here for her white choclate mocha.
I got a page in Moni's scrapbook. Cool!
Moni won't stop taking pictures; what a nerd!
by visitor_here December 8, 2005
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noun: a sexy mother. A women of high class tat always introduces her name and career because she has it going for her. Body and all. She is gorgeous. Refrenced alot many as a joke for going in any situation. For example, going to moni vag.
Andie: My mom is sooo cool!!!
Juan: Yea I know and she's gotta be a moni she has a bangin body.
by jbizzey February 14, 2013
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A place in Perth Scotland, were people hang out, drink, smoke weed.
John - Hey coming to the mony today?
Fred - Yeah man, I got some weed.
John - Solid or Grass?
Fred - Solid
John - You suck!
Fred - What?
John - Solid sucks you fag!
Fred - Your a fag man!
John - Il will fucking kill you!
Fred - Fuck you, you aint getting a pass!
John - I don't care man, I have REAL weed!
by Mony dude March 16, 2008
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Moni is probably a tall titan looking bitch. Their funny tho ig 🙄. I hope they fall off of their roof. Don’t forget that they make fun of short people smh. They call themself a hottie but in reality their just a squirrel.
Person 1: Yo is their name actually moni?
Person 2: uh yea? Why do you think they look like a whole ass titan
by Your local trans ass October 20, 2020
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