A lurky person, someone who just stands out and creeps on you, doesnt look like you would ever talk to them
WOW look at that lurk over there with the chuck taylors
by Dan Slim July 14, 2005
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someone who is stealthy and ninja-like. observes others for future reference.
Superman was lurkin around those kids the other day.
by Bandit000 March 18, 2008
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To get in, and effectively ruin, someone else's photo. Can be whole body lurkage, or merely two fingers. Practiced by Bubbah in Germany.
Person 1: Oh, Bubbah you lurked my photo.
Bubbah: No I..
Person 1: Bubbah SHOOSH!
by australianexchange May 10, 2009
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To stalk someone, or follow them suspiciously, in a lovestruck or obsessive manner.
I.e., stop lurking on that teacher, Steph!
by Bushrat September 6, 2005
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Short for the Zerg Lurker unit in Starcraft. Burrows underground and shoots spikes at enemies.
Hey, wanna play some lurk d?
by ThreeDee912 March 25, 2008
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in internet chat rooms, the activity of the majority of nicks you see on the user list
"<zim> i hav bin cumming to this chat room since 1995. wat peeps sez here is stoopid
<@allOZ> I don't remember ever seeing you post a line of chat before.
<zim> keke. ths 1st time i ever did"
by Lane May 2, 2004
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To lurk is to mob or walk around town. the word originated in Aptos Califorina.
by schrandt February 20, 2008
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