The patch of skin between your balls and your anus. Scientifically, perineum also known as gooch.
Hey mom! My gym teacher just made me take a trip to Dr. Libido’s Laboratory!
by DoubD August 17, 2004
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One of the most frightening places on the face of the earth, the Co-founder of The Holocaust Radioactive Laboratories. Radioactivity around this area has been recorded as 10x-6(8)*. Human beings have suffered major deformaties. These laboratories have been investigated by authorities on several occasions. This is one of the most cruel and futile families since Edward Gein and the world re-known Texas Chainsaw Massacre. DJ Markus Ginzburguis has been known to host some of the most ruthless and chaotic Gimp parties in the history of mankind. He is heavely trained for desert combat on the Sahara. Commander of the SU-34 Persian Jet.
Yo, i almost went into 1702 (Holocaust laboratories) the other day,

no shit?
by Ultimate Destroyer November 16, 2007
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Best school in the country that is not in New York. President Obama sent his kids to the school, and that is just one of the abnormally high status attendees who went to the school. The school is filled with rich snobs who look down at anyone who doesn't have a 4.0 GPA or is mentioned in some article in some famous newspaper about some overachievement. The kids who go there are abnormally smart but they know how to party. They study hard, but they party harder. Abnormally rich parents send their kids to UCLS when they are in Kindergarten so that they are brainwashed so early and don't know anything besides A+'s and expensive cars and penthouses. Unless your the kid of one of the teachers. Then your lucky to get in on half off the tuition. Whenever you tell anyone you go to UCLS, kids are amazed because they just hear University of Chicago.
Random public school kid, "Hey which school do you go to?"

Rich private school kid, "I go to the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools."

Random public school kid, "Whoa you go to the University of Chicago!?!? but your really young!?!"

Rich private school kid, "No dumbass. I'm 15, and even though i skipped to grades, I'm not going to go to college before i can drive."

Random public school kid, "So which district is it part of."

Rich private school kid, "No dumbass, we're not part of a district cuz we're a private school."

Random public school kid, "Whoa you go to a private school!?!? So are you really rich??"

Rich private school kid, "I live in a 2.5 million dollar condo in downtown Chicago. and my parents drive 2 new $100,000 mercedes cars, an Aston Martin, and a vintage ferrari. So what do you think.
by goldcoast48 November 6, 2010
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Someone who has no social life that plays music into their mics and thinks that they're fucking hilarious. They are also extremely dumb and try really hard to be funny by constantly screaming cringy memes that died years ago. It is also rumoured that 99% of their dads left them at a young age.
Person 1: Dude, this kid was trying so hard to be friends with me by spitting out a bunch of cringy memes trying to make me laugh, but failing miserably.
Person 2: Wow, he must be a SCP Secret Laboratory Player!
by Dookie Fridge April 12, 2022
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The totally boring-b**ls**t physics/chemistry-demonstration kit for schools that was put out in the early '70's by Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. The accompanying lesson-sheets were always irritatingly difficult to work with, and the company seemingly couldn't even spell "classroom" properly on the box's cover --- for years I had always thought it said "glassroom" because the bottom of the "C" and the top of the "L" were interlocked, and so it made da "C" look like a "G".... it was only when my fourth-grade teacher actually mentioned the name of the kit when speaking to another student that I finally realized what the label actually said!
Science class is spota be fun, but don't count on any happiness if your school relies on those insipid "Glassroom Laboratory" kits to teach da subject --- arduous and yuckyyyy...!!!
by QuacksO October 1, 2018
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Synergy Laboratories is a Roblox Sci-fi Community Group

I can't think of a thing to put
person1: This Synergy Laboratories group is cool. Let's join the group.
by zackyq January 18, 2022
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the haunted schoolhouse and laboratory are haunted houses in akron, ohio.
Jeff: Hey have you went to the haunted schoolhouse and laboratory
cool kid: heck yeah
by DinoBEE October 21, 2022
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