A group of horribly misguided whiggers who worship Psychopathic records and the originators of this putrid label- The Insane Clown Posse (also known as the "Insane Clown Pussies" or simply as "the fags"). Members often claim to be misunderstood and through this misunderstanding find reconciliation and commonality in the "Dark carnival." This carnival is a theme often used on Insane Clown Posse's records. In truth however, the main attraction for Juggalos is the disasterously awful and depraved music itself, which consists mainly of songs featuring such uplifting and profound subjects as: decapitation, stabbing, beating and of course killing. Traditions within this sect include: the dawning of evil clown makeup, spraying bottles of soda pop called "Faygo," on other members, styling their hair in a manner best suited for circus chimps, attacking smaller or unarmed people with hatchets and knives, eating human fecal matter, shouting whoop whoop as a bozo rallying cry. Directionless, often drug addicted, many Juggalos experience a shift in priority as they reach an older age. This is most often triggered by a realization that they have spent a great deal of time and effort supporting the lowest dreggs of society and in doing so becoming not renegades, but in fact the systems version of a virtual jail house sissy.
A man beat up his son for calling himself a Juggalo as the people rightly applauded and smiled with satisfaction at the sight of such a worthy and justified meltdown/rampage.
by truth fan June 12, 2009
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Uncultured groupies of the Insane Clown Posse who think ICP is the end-all-be-all in music and that the only other music in the world is made by Eminem, whom they hate. Generally twelve-year-old boys or, in the sadder cases, 30+ fools who really ought to know better. Their comraderie is worth about the same as that exhibited among the Elks, Freemasons, or little treefort cliques formed in elementary school. One day, hopefully, they'll all snap out of it and be exposed to some good (read REAL) music.
See also idiots, classless, braindead, sucky, trashy for synonyms and other descriptive traits.
by ICP <<<<<<<<<<< everything September 26, 2004
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The product of our highly modernizing world's effect on the ignorant, low, human. They represent regression in almost every sense. They paint their faces, are aggressive, travel in packs, abide (supposedly) by a simplistic code of rules, and tell all those non-juggaloes that juggalos live a happier and freer life.
Comparable to a cult, Juggaloism began most likely by a whigger who was tired of trying to fit in, so he created his own clique with his other whigger friends. This spread from town to town, from whigger to whigger, eventually creating a cult that compares in size to even Scientology.
Eventually they began to start musical groups (bands by no means) in which they would express their whigger desires by rapping poorly to simplistic beats.
*note that in these groups, they still wear their face paint, and typically rap about how "insane" and "individual" they are, when they are obviously just idiots who are slaves to society.

For anyone who has read Lord of the Flies, their culture can easily be compared to the society Jack creates; irrational, barbaric, and short.
Look over there, a pack of Juggalos.
by nono yawns November 10, 2007
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Drug loving, illiterate trashers who listen and are devoted to a lame ass wannabe rap group known as Insane Clown Posse (ICP for short), these people are extremely annoying at concerts and are usually to inept to even know whats going on in the world around them.
Signs that you're around a Juggalo:
1: the air stinks like a wet dog
2: smoke is usually rising from an unknown location
3: annoying wiggerness can be detected
4: stupid wannabe inner city language is usually used (dat, yo, homies, etc.)
5: Usually wearing worn down ICP clothing, with pants down to their knees.
Man 1: whats that awful smell?

Man 2: I think it's one of those annoying juggalos

Juggalo: yo why you gotta be hatin on my homies lyke dat? (drunken slurred pronunciation used here)

by SXEinSLC August 11, 2008
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A piece of shit that's so obscure it can't be flushed.
"Yo is that a piece of shit?"
"Naw just a juggalo
by Crumpkinator September 23, 2009
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Someone who makes Aids and sodomy tolerable
Guy 1: "So what kind of music do you listen to?"

Guy 2 :"Mainly Icp, i'm a pretty big juggalo"

Guy 1 :*Shoots himself in face*
by Helluhsickryan December 29, 2010
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An extremely confused individual that doesnt realize that no one cares about their bullshit threats of physical violence while they dress up as clowns and get mad when people laugh at them for their idiocy. Also very confused on everyday cutlery claiming that a meatcleaver is a hatchet in a brilliant display of denial and retardation. They listen to the Insane Clown Pussies or ICP (which also stands for Illegal Child Pornography) which is a pathetic excuse for a rap group. ICP regularly sucks eminems penis and licks his asshole. Juggalos in general dont seem to have the reasoning skills needed to comprehend the fact that when they dress up like clowns and threaten to chop everyone up with a meat cleaver it makes them look utterly ridiculous in the face of those members of society that process rational thought. The Juggalo can commonly be heard admitting mental retardation by claiming they are, "downsyndrome with the clown", they percieve this as a threat while the rest of society percieves this as a joke. More proper terms for a Juggalo are Juggabitch, Juggafag, and Mentally Retarded.
Juggalo: "Dont fuck with me cuz im down with the clown and ill fuck you up"

Rational Person: "Youre a complete idiot go jump in front of traffic and do darwin a favor please."
by The Muffin Man 69 ver 3.0 October 28, 2009
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