I asked Jeeves about his stanced on abortion, but he brought up some abortion clinic's website.
by Phil Errup October 20, 2004
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used in singular form -

how do you feel about how the project turned out?

jeeve (roll eyes)
by bubbblegum March 30, 2017
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The name given to somebody who is destined to be a butler.
"My name is Jeeves, and I want to be a car mechanic."
"Sorry bub, you're not fit to be one. However, you are more than qualified to be a butler."
by Anonymous July 9, 2003
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A name for a computer-man in the search engine "Ask Jeeves". The gayiest search engine on earth.
"Do you use Ask Jeeves?"
"Nah... It's gay."
by W&J July 5, 2003
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A name for an internet search site that helps people find the answers to questons.
I didn't know the answer to something, so I asked Jeeves.
by Anonymous July 5, 2003
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-ed,-ing, (verb) to verbally torque another person's logic into a loop based on believing that the commentator is mentally challenged in the use of technicalities to such a degree that a feeling of mental stagnation develops leaving you speechless except for cussing. However the 'jeevser' is almost always correct in what they say.

can also be used as "out-jeevsed", as in "out-smarted" or "out-gunned"
1: "Where is the salad?"
2: "It is under your nose"
2: (looks down)
2: "no it's not"
1: "well, if you imagine a plane that starts at the level of your nose, then the salad is technically 'under' your nose"
2: "WTF is wrong with you?"
1: "You just got JEEVSED!"
by kedari December 4, 2011
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