an insult used in the Us fro an Italian
may come from when the suez canal was being built in the 19th century.
The italian labourers would work for a guinea a week where as the British and Irish labourers would want 2 guineas
Paulo Dicanio is a dirty,cheating,diving,Laziaele,guinea wanker
by bigmeuprudeboy September 10, 2003
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A derogatory terminology primarily invented by the racist American anglo-saxon race referring to the majority of Italian immigrants(southern Italians) that arrived in America during the early 20th century. Most southern Italians were short and darker skinned drawing comparisons to the Guinean people of the country of Guinea in West Africa. They too, were shorter than most normal Africans and a had lighter complexions(high yellow/caramel) very similar to southern italians.
You should'nt call a real Italian a guinea because you will pay for it one way mor another!
by Foogazee August 17, 2006
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A slur against Italians. Like the country Guinea. It means that Italians are really niggers. Italy was invaded by the Moors who were black Africans. They invaded all of Southern Italy. Italy has been everybody's bitch at some point. They were also invaded by the Saracens, Carthaginians & the Greeks. This is why Guineas steal and are fags.
Hey look at that stupid guinea acting all white he was just stealing hub caps yesterday like all niggers.
by Rich Caker October 14, 2008
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An ethnic slur for Italian-Americans. The word lost all derogatory connotations about a century ago, except for ambiguously white kids with identity issues who decided to cling to an ethnicity they neither belong to or know anything about (see guido). These are usually the idiots who consider Italian to be a separate race.
He's a fat, worthless guinea.
by C19 April 15, 2008
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Italian man/woman. Very racist if said by other race/person of like, 0.1% italian ancestry. Dont say it though unless u r Italian or i will kill u
Hey Johnny! My guinea friend!
by weeee! May 22, 2005
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An Italian person. I Do not know where this word originated from
by Andrewsky March 5, 2003
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Guinea refers to Italian men and the way their entire nasty fat ass body is cover with fur unlike and other white out there. This is why they are called guinea's, much like guinea pigs. That and they behave like pigs. Guinea's are an insult to all white people everywhere.
any italian man that smells like shit and is super fuckin hairy.
by lars April 14, 2005
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