An Australian slang term for a cigarette, usually a rollie.
may I buy a packet of durries, cheers mate?
by Draegath March 12, 2003
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A packet of cigarettes or more than one single cigarette.

The origin is unknown but the word has been in use since the 1940s.
"Mate, can you buy us a pack of durries?"
by johnnygun August 21, 2009
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Smoking a durrie refers to a cigarette.
During the 1st world war, ANZACs , particularly the Australian Light Horse, trained in Egypt before deploying to the Dardanelles. While training they had some time off in towns, where they could buy souvenirs and comfort items like tobacco. Tobacco was sold in the market place, and displayed on carpets, called dhurries. If you got to the market at the end of the day, and bought the last of the tobacco, they sometimes got some carpet fluff mixed in with the tobacco, and the diggers joked that they were smoking more carpet fluff than tobacco, hence the term smoking a dhurrie. Still used in the Australian army to this day as slang for a smoke= durrie.
Hey mate, can I Bludge a Durrie off ya?
by Barratrooper October 10, 2018
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Australian term for cigarette.

Mainly used by the australian defence force.

'hey man, got a durrie?'
by ksm. September 23, 2008
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a smoker or a "durry Muncher" as called. who smokes nockoteen or however you spell it.
1 ; -" go smoke a durry faggot"

2 ; -" fucken durry munchers aye?"
by Durrymuncher December 3, 2007
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A slang term to describe the lower socioeconomic being of society
ay dylan u durry fuck
by aidanbra April 17, 2008
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