little pieces of hair, shit, and toilet paper that form on an unclean ass
I had to come up with a jar full of dingleberrys for my frat initiation.
by Jimbo D July 3, 2006
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A drip shaped piece of feces that hangs from one's rectum while shitting. Causes one to rock back and forth on the toilet trying to get it to fall.
Damn fool died hitting his head on the stall door while trying to rock a dingleberry.
by Anonymous April 15, 2003
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tart berries found in the southern region of the anus islands.
hey francois, look over there! an assload of dingleberries!
by h_bomb July 12, 2006
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A growth of accumulating particles in or around the anus causing "berry like" fruits to bear after prolonged growth. Usually occurs while camping for a duration of time. Similiar to a small brownish raspberry.

*often mistaken with feces, but is actually a seperate entity altogether
My fondest childhood memory was making dingleberry jelly for the parent/teacher luncheon.
by Samcorp November 17, 2005
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A hardened blob of shit attached to anal hairs.
Dingleberry: Male and female nurses in numerous wars have had the job of cleaning up wounded soldiers for surgery. One job is to remove the dingleberries which accumulate when a frontline soldier has no chance of a bath or shower - hence the jocular valediction among members of the Royal Army Medical Corps who have served in the grimmest of campaigns: "Don't let the dingleberries dangle!"
by Ken Creffield February 15, 2007
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A foreign object; turd, or burrs stuck in the hair behind an mammals butthole
I wish my cat wasn’t didn’t have a dingleberry.
by Sunny83 March 5, 2018
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A dingleberry is a piece of poop hanging from one's butt. It most commonly occurs on dogs, but it is very possible to happen to humans.
Shit. Buddy has a dingleberry again.
by BubbleButt_29 April 26, 2020
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