A flat, sizable surface, with drawers usually meant for work, computer support or Hot anal sex
Dude, nice desk with drawers
by The MMWIZARD May 22, 2020
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A place where most students sleep when they have to getup at the ass crack of dawn everyday to go to school.
I just slept for 2 hours at that desk over there in english class
by Dubiks April 7, 2019
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I’m sick and tired of all these Desks getting in the way of everything.
by Ahravorna October 15, 2018
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Verb - "to desk"

Derived from the soap opera "Days of Our Lives" - a girl can get "desked" when flipped onto a desk whilst having sex.
Kate Roberts and EJ wells from "Days of Our Lives" - While they were hooking up, EJ picked Kate up and slammed her down on the desk, ala Kate was desked.
by cassandra2025 December 8, 2006
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A chair-like structure that can be sat on or workarea.
I sat on my desk and "shot the bull"
by Tim Huff October 26, 2006
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Desk is a retard. He is known for nothing. He is useless. It can also be used an an insult.
Hey desk, you are a retard, go kill yourself.
by PooPOoPeEPeeabcd1234sksksks November 4, 2019
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