A term for a person who is facetiously joking about how important/cool/awesome they are.
"Yeah, so that was me closing a huge deal yesterday...I am kind of a big deal in commercial real estate!"
by rach BFD May 3, 2008
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When Someone who usually has nothing to do, usually because they're unemployed, suddenly has something to do for that day. That one thing, no matter how meaningless becomes the big deal of the day.
Person 1 - "Hey what did you do today?"

Person 2 - "Went out to buy some milk."

Person 1 - "That was your big deal of the day huh?"

Person 2 - "Shut the fuck up before I beat your ass!!"

Person 1 - "Are you sure you can handle another Big Deal of The Day?"

Person 2 - "Hmmm, Maybe not."
by Jachzehn June 13, 2009
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A statement of arrogance and self-importance deliberately disguised as a humble, offhand observation. Usually delivered as the capstone line in a dialog peppered with other faux-humble socially-enhancing references intended to make you think the speaker is both cool AND humble. Attempts to accomplish with faux-humility what the Internet tough guy attempts to accomplish with raw force.

Hearing this line spoken in earnest is a clear indication you're probably dealing with a yuppie or hipster douchebag, as anybody who's actually a "big deal" lets their actions speak for themselves and doesn't need to mention it to strangers, even jokingly.

Since the original meaning has now been clearly identified as being douchey in the extreme, many people now use the phrase as a witty, ironic form of self-deprecation. The line between the two remains very grey and contextual, however; just because somebody's aiming for a humorous reaction doesn't mean they're not actually serious.
"So Bob, what do you do for work?"
"Oh, not much. I just do corporate law for Fnortner and Finch...gave me a corner office and a Jaguar last year. Got to meet Jude Law last week. Eh, I'm kind of a big deal over there, you know?"
"Oh wow! You're such a cool and humble dude!"
"Yeah, I know, right?"
by Arbus Carstairs June 27, 2014
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A saying commonly used for people who think they are a big deal but add 'kind of' to show they are sarcastic at the same time
"Matt Condon is kind of a big deal"

"I just got back from the gym, I'm kind of a big deal..."
by JNelson12 February 22, 2009
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was coined by Christian Siriano on Project Runway. and he is a big deal. <3 him
christian siriano - "I'm kind of a big deal!"
by the baddest ass September 16, 2009
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Mas Sirrah "He thinks covid was not a big deal"

Hym "This ☝️ is a trap. He's trying to frame it as though it either WAS or WAS NOT 'a big deal' (which is this amorphous and subjective phrase). How 'big of a deal' it was would exist on a gradient and the REAL question is 'Was it a big enough deal to shut down the country and destroy the economy for years to come and does it mean that we should set a precedent where people are expected to cede authority over their bodily autonomy to the state?'and the ANSWER is no. All of the data suggested that the answer was 'No' BEFORE we shut the country down and AFTER we opened everything back up it was revealed that IT WASN'T a good idea to do that. The conservative media reported this in real time and they were CORRECT. Also, if the vaccine works, the people who take it are fine and the people who don't SHOULD BE adequate informed of the risks and have made their own decision."

Mas Sirrah "This is why people shouldn't listen to you!"

Hym "You're not the savior, Sam-Er, Mas! I know mommy told you that Jewish women are little Jesus factories but nobody needs you to save them and they die either way. You're being told to go fuck yourself, Jew. No I will not take a vaccine if I don't fucking feel like it. If you force me, I will manually kill the people I WOULD HAVE killed by not taking the vaccine. Get the fuck right out of here."
by Hym Iam August 16, 2023
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You say that instead of “big deal” - or when you wanna urge someone to take a risk(s).
Homie 1: omg, I forgot my phone at home !
Homie 2: deal big; we ain’t going back to get it…
by crunk_bae24 November 22, 2021
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