Short for Capital Hill Autonomous Zone. An autonomous zone in Seattle created in June 2020 due to the George Floyd protests and the wave of police brutality across the U.S.
I heard about CHAZ on the news today.
by nlolhere June 14, 2020
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A retard or retarded action.

A way of life that no one wants to live.
I cant believe you just fell up that curb, your such a Chaz
by D.Lay October 5, 2007
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A Chaz is someone who just cooling and be in his own zone he don't care about nobody else except his girl, his fam, and his dawgs or slimes ya digg. He a very active person who into some sports not a lot though and likes to just hangout. This person tends to shop extremely heavy, a straight up shoe fanatic or hypebeast. He is a very cool person to be around though like for real i wouldn't mind hanging with him being honest. you can also ask for some help with certain things because he just the realest slime on the planet.
ayee bruh im finna go cool with chaz hit me up later
by Law of Lawrence February 28, 2019
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An extremely sexy and attractive woman whose nature is that of a minx. She likes fine jewelry is often hard to gain the trust of. Fits well with the definition of Blake.
by Chaz<3 June 21, 2013
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Word used to describe a well to do stereo-typical 'cool guy' as seen on televison. A chaz must fit the following description: white male, hot-shot (or so he thinks) a chaz can be seen with a leather jacket, gelled hair poped collar etc. Chaz cannot be used as an adjective only as a noun.
Tom Cruises caracter 'Maverick'in 'Top Gun' is a chaz.
Jon Travoltas caracter in Grease is a chaz.
by T-man-Jones December 4, 2008
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one whu is great and the life and soul of the comunity
by neva geuss but its chaz July 29, 2003
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