in the middle of nowhere. far from where one wants or needs to be.
"I should be in L.A., instead I'm in the Honeymoon Haven motel in Bumblefuck, Missouri because you won't go out when it rains." Rain Man
by grizzlymaster April 18, 2009
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A place that is so in the middle of nowhere that that

the only thing to do for fun is watch the bumblebees fuck!
I thought I was on the Moon, but really just bumblefuck, Kentucky.
by Sharky23 January 13, 2012
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Bumblefucked - when you go on a Bumble date instead of handling important business and now things are messed up for good.
When deciding on a company name, she decided it was more important to go out on her Bumble date, and while she was out our unwanted co-worker added his name to the door. Without her vote to reject it, his name is now permanently the name of the company. She Bumblefucked us.
by Brad&Brittany February 15, 2023
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1. Noun. A location in the middle of nowhere. Usually assigned a compass direction ie. East Bumblefuck. Also has a diminutive form Bumfuck.
2. A day where nothing productive is accomplished.
1. My friend lives in the middle of nowhere. He's in East Bumfuck.

2. I got nothing done today. It was one of those Bumblefuck days.
by DigitalSpiritx February 18, 2023
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Person 1:I live in Hauppauge

Person 2:oh yea you mean bumblefuck
by Conker1 May 28, 2019
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A person who cant do anything right, or who is clumsy.
"You Bumblefuck! You can't do anything right!!" or "Wow, that dude's the biggest Bumblefuck I know!"
by titwillow January 29, 2008
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A sex act involving honey as lubrication.
"Man, did you see Cindy last night? I hear she's really into the 'bumblefuck.'"
by Webster's Cousin October 1, 2009
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