A gay franchise first set up in New York for the gay community to engage in immersed contact and swimming activity, but closed due to the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s. Recently reformed in eastwood, notts to commemorate briggsy's gay lovers throughout the decades and to once again divulge into gay obscenity and homo erogenous zones.
You want to learn how to swim? don't try the briggsy baths, they dip in more than just water..
by Dwarfed mongrel November 30, 2006
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A indomitable gay partnership which after a a brief courtship in the tate modern blossoms into full jungle nudity and obscene homo adventure
I never knew they were doing a briggsy & burrell, but low and behold there they were streaking in the congo
by Disturbed Undergarment November 23, 2006
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When a homosexual is doing his lover and then crams one or both of his testicles in as well. This is known as a Briggsy Bonus. Named after its originator who has been known to pleasure trannies in this way.
Trannie 1: I never knew what "stretched" meant until last night.

Trannie 2: So you got a Briggsy Bonus then?

Trannie 1: Yeah, by Briggsy himself.
by Des Lynam's Love-Gland September 8, 2006
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Facial hair grown by very spotty individuals. The Briggsy Beard serves the double purpose of partially concealing acne and avoiding shaving the tops off hideous pus-filled pimples. Most commonly grown by students and artists.
Why has that little artist grown a Briggsy Beard?

I don't know. Maybe he's not keen on slicing through those vile septic warts on his face.
by Des Lynam's love-gland December 8, 2006
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A variety of dogging popular in arty circles. Instead of using cars the homosexual participants arrive on penny-farthings and bugger each other senseless.
Oi queer boy. Why the big bike.

Oh, I'm off for a bit of Briggsy dogging in Clumber Park.
by Colin Cummerbund September 21, 2006
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A variety of spanking indulged in by arty types. The spankee coats his arse with oil paints of many colours and bends over a sculpture of Shakespeare. The spanker then larrups the spankees paint-smeared buttocks with a palette or rolled-up canvas. The gleeful yelpings of the spankees are often recorded and sold in art shops as "Sounds to inspire you".
That fellow with the easel has quite a limp. Aubrey.

Yes. I think you'll find he's been the spankee in some Briggsy spanking.
by Colin Cummerbund September 21, 2006
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An art prize for artists too obscure and ludicrous for even the Turner Prize. Entrants for the Briggsy Prize have included a lamb chop stuffed inside a small child's mitten, the word "talent" written on an Etch-a-sketch and a Christmas card torn in half next to a copy of the Scunthorpe Yellow Pages.
Art critic: What piece are you currently working on?

Artist: I've got a polystyrene box which I've painted purple and filled with baked apples. It represents the pain and despair of missing a phone call when you're in the shower.

Art critic: Should make the shortlist for the Briggsy Prize.
by Colin Cummerbund December 12, 2006
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