the tops

As in "The Best". Famous line from a Seinfeld episode where Mel Torme tells Kramer that he thinks his life is "The Tops".
Well, guys, I think that's the tops!
by Skeeve January 31, 2006
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Top Top

Top Top is a reference to giving a blowjob.
by Killrazor June 8, 2018
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top top

Top top is a stupid phrase used by the worst player ever to win the Main Event of the World Series of Poker. It means to have top pair and top kicker.
"I'm sorry but I have top top"-Jamie Gold, en route to luckboxing his way to first place
by onearmedninja July 12, 2008
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Top Top

Poker term. Used when you have top pair and top kicker.
If you are holding Ace King in your hand in Hold em and hit the King on the board. You have Top Top.
by vnutz October 17, 2006
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A top

A phrase used by lesbian or gay referring to who is dominant, who is 'a top'. a top = on top, the pleasure giver.
"I told him/her that i wanted to please him/her to their every sexual desire, they replied" I do it the opposite way, im a top."
by justwantstopleazu June 17, 2009
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the one who I N S E R T S inside their partner (mostly homosexual couples)
see that couple over there? the punk guy's hella top
by MrHosk May 30, 2018
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