n. A police car, from a time when most police cars were painted black and white
by wayfarer April 28, 2005
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When talking about old BnW flicks and pics and you want to spell it out, use hyphens.
It's not black and white movies, it's black-and-white!
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One of the best PC games ever!
Who should I pick; The Cow, The Ape, or The Tiger?
by Bloody Mary October 9, 2003
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Snitching ..., statements...., proof by paper something being written on paper for proof (white= paper black=pen)
He snitchin in black and white

He wrote it down white meanin paper black meanin pen
by Problem mook February 1, 2020
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A phrase describing something as being depressing, dull, out of date or just unappealing.
"The man's style was so black and white."

"She was so depressed, she looked black and white."
by Tibberoo July 19, 2017
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Not colorful ;; a great stage or depression. A Lonely feeling about yourself. Sad and down.
I am not a very colorful person, im more black and white. Usually very depressed.
by TipsyPenguin007 January 31, 2006
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gangs: " RUNN!!!!"
by kusher December 19, 2009
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