a person of any gender who acts like a little annoying bitch but you love them anyways.
Thas is my bitchboy
by KingofThot$ October 17, 2019
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When a person is a lickarse or a pussy
Two boyos:paddy is such a bitchboy he gave cathal a sliotar for free
by Penishead123(paddys a bitch) October 27, 2019
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A boy who gets dick so often he starts being jealous of vagina and is also such a little pussy that he finds it easier to just "fit in" with the rest of his evolving species of ass crampers. This particular species of "man" isn't adapted well to standing up for the opposite sex and wouldn't dare step outside his little comfort circle. He probably rapes women and doesn't know really know much about why people with vaginas do the things they do but he wishes he was more like that.
Fucking bitch boy.
Aka cool loser.
"Yo Anthony, I think my voice is changing it must be my inner bitchboy"
"It's okay bro, it's just one of those days everybody has those"

"Dawg, why are you bothering that girl so much."
"I have to, I have to keep these hoes in check. Stay pimpin'"

Typical bitchboy.
by Hitej April 3, 2017
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Its a inside joke, sorry Dustin aka are bitchboy
by Drewfam February 19, 2017
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a disease of the weak, when a male lacks the confidence to believe in himself therefore seeking attention/acceptance from others
Mcdeezed often lifts weights on a daily basis and see's his fair share of the "bitchboy movement" process developing in the gym an example of this would be a scrawny man would be complaining about his lack of muscle to someone far superior than himself. Further more something must be done to stop this disease from growing
by McDeezed August 18, 2010
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The ultimate insult in a roast battle, will guarantee to make their heart poundjng and start stuttering on their words!
Jimmy: I bet yo dick mad small boy
DeMarcus: Ew Wtf? Nigga why you such a Faggot Ass Bitchboy bruh?
Jimmy: *dies of fucking cardiac arrest*
by ITS YA HOMIE NIGGLER April 24, 2022
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