A "dick move" is defined as being any action that requires an outstanding amount of courage and a remarkable lack of forethought.
You: BOOOYAAAA! I just did my girlfriend's sister.
Me: Dick move.
by fudgikillz January 24, 2009
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An action by a sports team to another sports team which violates understood social/sportsmanship expectations, especially where the transgressor obtains a slight advantage in comparison to the relatively large bounty placed on the transgressors future student athletes.
On Saturday October 27th, 2007 when the entire University of Georgia football team stormed the field in celebration of there first of many scores on the day, that was a dick move!
by Uoffkid October 30, 2007
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an adjective used to describe when someone is being a dick.
Guy 1: Hey, I plugged your girlfriend last night!

Guy 2: Dude, that was a dick move.
by fried rice92 July 22, 2008
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doing something to help you, and ruining it for other people.
George Bush sending the troops to Iraq for oil was a dick move!!!
by Joel Greenfield August 7, 2006
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Messing with or breaking someone's heart. Especially over stupid reasons, or multiple times.
Guy told Girl over text "I like you" and Girl really liked Guy. Then Guy's Ex comes back, and Guy tells Girl over text "I never said I liked you like that."

You don't tell someone you like them randomly, when you know they like you... Dick move.
by heartbreakkid1994 January 9, 2011
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The act of doing something crude, similar to an asshole
Wow hitting me with that bat was a dick move!
by jimmy boy85 December 8, 2009
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An action that is deemed, unnecessary and or uncalled for.
A friend: "Dude your mom looked hot today"

Your reply: "Dude, that was a dick move on your part"
by Alex Zaragoza July 30, 2007
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