A student who attends William Smith College in Geneva, NY and thinks she is hot shit because she has money or status. This means she is likely to give you attitude or pretend to not know you even when she does because she thinks she is better than you or thinks it would be embarassing for her to be seen even saying hello to you. The distinction must however be made that not all students who attend William Smith College are "Smithies." The percentage of William Smith students who are classified as "Smithies" has not been officially determined by any student organizations or clubs.
I walked by that Smithie today, I know that she really isn't even hot and that I wouldn't even mack on that.
by NYCKid24 December 6, 2009
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a very bust boy who is very annoying. He is trying his hardest to be jeeves and know everything. hates a circuit and getting dumped by text. not funny
by bigphilandjo October 3, 2011
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This is one bad ass, muther fucker. He makes girls ovaries explode, and guys balls bleed. He as the sexually intriguing 'V' smile and tends to laugh at silly thinks.
P1: Hey. We have Smithies for class next?
P2: OMFGWTF!!!!!!!!! My ovaries are gone.
P3: My balls hurt now.
by c0unterfiet March 22, 2011
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I am smithy (see rach) and i am great.
by Rachee June 26, 2004
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His rapping is so smithy and sharp, especially, right on with the truth of the matter.
by Smithy1001 May 30, 2014
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A male skirt which is worn over trousers, jeans or leggings.
That guy looks sweet, hes wearing a SMITHIE.
by Liam Smithie February 11, 2013
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