An outing or trip that is accentuated with drugs such as LSD, Datura, DMT, etc.
Hey man, you wanna go on a zed soon? Last time was so much fun.
by HiImDarryl March 22, 2017
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A neologism or apothegm employed by ingroups to:

1. elicit solidarity,

2. pronounce exclamation or excitement,

3. alert others to one's presents,

4. bestow on others to recognise / indicate friendship

5. indicate achievement
1. "Zed" (to express acknowledgement on something said)

2. "F*$king Zed!" (with vigour on spilling a drink)

3. "Ah, Zed" (used on approach to a group of friends)

4. "Zed" (employed with a nod)

5. "Chris Zed biatch" (rising pitch)
by MrTogias July 21, 2009
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"Zed" is the way us educated Canadians and British have pronounced the last letter of the latest incarnation of the Roman Alphabet.
ABC you get the rest, X, Y, ZED, DAMMIT, NOT ZEE!
by J. Michael Reiter January 29, 2004
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Z series sports car built by Datsun/Nissan. 240Z, 260Z, 280Z, 280ZX, 300ZX, 350Z
by peanut squirrel April 26, 2005
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n. what you call a socially inept person that kills the mood, ends the party, ruins the joke. A Zed is *NOT* someone you want to have near you at a party when trying to meet people. Zed is at the end of the alphabet for a reason. Even Bruce Willis didn't get along with a Zed.
What the hell? No one wants to hear about your dog's diarrhea... quit being such a Zed and go somewhere else!
by mrbruno September 15, 2010
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The more recent phonetical pronunciation of the letter "Z" as used by those in the British Commonwealth. By contrast, the older pronunciation, "zee," is still used in American English.
Tsk, tsk, silly Britons and Canadians who have no knowledge of their language's history.
by Shreve Lamb and Harmon June 24, 2005
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Zed is a group of people scattered at sighthill public park and sighthill college in Edinburgh, Scotland
Said as: Zed boys on top
by Paahhajaoaoaoiaa December 15, 2018
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