the british/london way of saying ‘ y’all ’. basically means you lot or you all.
“you man are stupid if you think youngboy is a good rapper.”
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the meme you see on almost every youtube video
in other words,
a reporter asked Russell Westbrook a question about his basketball match against the Jazz team and Russell Westbrook responded with "what?! bro what are you talking about man?"
Reporter: "Russell, did you guys lose this game or did the Jazz win this one?"
Russell: "what, bro what are you talking about man" (w/o punctuation)
"bro, I'm out man. yall trippin"
by thekaprisunstraw September 11, 2021
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You the man steve is a definition all girls named kaylee with blue eyes and ugly face and ugly died hair.
Sma:oh thats " you the steve man "!
Mas:he has a big booty

You the man steve
by Cjdkjfjfificjfjfjkfkfkfk October 25, 2019
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For the girl version see:You Fancy Chicken!(If it's not there it'll be there soon....I promise ^.^)

1.What your dad (In the worst cases) calls your boyfriend
2.What your mum uses to flirt with your bestfriends,usually accompanied with the "subtle" hand on leg routine.(if their guys.. -.-)
3.What your friend says to the teacher to make you laugh when ya feelin' blue (usually works..LOLz)
Usually indicates that the person that says it is an idiot.
(In the example the dad seems homosexual....That's usually how it's like...Trust me...LOLz)

Ur Dad:So...Tony Where u from?
Tony(Ur BF):Er...France...
Ur Dad:Omg You Fancy Man!

Ur Mum:So want a coffee damien?
Damien(Ur Bestfriend):(joking) yeh make sure it's from italy ha ha...
Ur Mum:ha ha ha How you kid around...You Fancy Man!........-puts hand on damien's leg and slowly runs it up-....

*Damien whispers something to you involving "mum" and "flirting" and "inappropriate toucy, feely" but he's talking so fast you don't hear completely your mum comes in with cookies and Damien suddenly understand completely*

Ur Weird Hypo Brilliant Friend:Mister..Do you know what this means? and what the heck is it?
Teacher:Why timmy those are hyroglyphics, and that means "Soul Water"
Ur Weird Hypo Brilliant Friend:OMFG Mr garrison You Fancy Man!

(And yeh..I know who Mr Garrison is...)
by FucktardedScarecrow August 5, 2009
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A favorite entry in a website showcasing engrish (Japanese-butchered English). This phrase was spraypainted on a building somewhere in Japan.
Prease for being waiting with patience. If wait is not without having calmness, fack you man!
by MuToiD_MaN July 2, 2005
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