A derogoatory term used to insult people, usually people who will find the term offensive, such as Roddy Hamilton
by Daedo April 8, 2003
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Basically at the end of an argument when you have nothing left to say yer maw, would be like saying anything about someone's mum which is never a good thing
The cunt: I'm going to end up smashing you
Me: Nae bother mate away and hump yer maw ya wee dick .

Yer maw always works.....if you really want to piss someone off ! Use with caution ⚠
by charlie xoxo October 4, 2016
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Often used as a comeback to yer wanker of a pal.

Can be used to take the cunt oot yer pals maw cause she’s an awl bitch who needs kicked aboot.
Dave: Hawl Jimmy, you’re such a queer wee mongo!
Jimmy: Smell yer maw ya fuckin gypsy
by David Mccormacks a pussy June 18, 2020
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a commonly used insult among scottish gang members utilised to instigate an aggressive response from a rival youth.
'haw you ya bawbag.. yer maw's a junkie.'
by sugarvine July 11, 2009
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An insulting phrase used in glasgow, quite possibly in other scottish cities too.

Pump: verb. To have sexual intercourse.
Yer Maw: noun. A slang way of referring to another person's mother.
Pump Yer Maw: To have sexual intercourse with another person's mother.
Past tense:
"Awwww mate, ah pumped yer maw last nite"

Present tense:
"Awwww mate, am pumpin yer maw right now"
(possibly talking on the phone)

"Awwww mate, am gonnae pump yer maw the nite"
by HAC May 9, 2006
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1. As In, 'Yer Maw' (Your mother) has 'baws' (balls). Insult towards someones mother

2. Stating that in no way is one doing a task
1. Aye, yer maw's got baws ya tit!

2. Pish, yer maw's baws am doin that tosh!
by A-Whyte December 6, 2004
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1. Catchphrase adopted by the Quebec Top Shaggers
Jim's the definition of a VL ......Jim replies "SMELL YER MAW"
by R8586N April 23, 2019
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