a car club full of faggots that think they are cool by ricing out peice of shit cars. but dont worry!! cause they dont accept just anyone..guess there cool like that.. u gotta have 2 outter mods.. aka neons and stickers.. which can be expensive so be careful.. haha ( hint the sarcasim).
http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=362686690 = xtreme dreamz car club :don't hate: haha faggots
by msbm January 6, 2009
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hardcore studying for at least 4+ hours at your local library, Borders, Barnes & Noble, etc...
"Hey, what'd you do today?"
"Eh, i burned most of my day Xtreme Studying"
by Confuscious4 January 2, 2008
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A badass American made small size pickup capable of whooping on and Volkswagen golf GTi any day of the week
Dude that S10 Xtreme totally smoked that GTi, poor bunny couldn't build enough boost for that truck!
by GTiEater March 13, 2015
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soccer played on the beach, hands, trick plays, tackeling, pulling hair, and grabbing clothing is allowed. only real official rules are:

1. no out of bounds
2. no kicking or throwing sand in to somebody's face
mark: "it's the season opener for XTREME soccer today, you pumped?"

becky: "are you kidding me? i've been waiting for this day since the season finals last year!"
by girl7 December 7, 2006
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The biggest fountain drink cup to bless 7-11
thirsty Xtreme Gulp Xtreme Gulp
by Gulpster October 17, 2009
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A stupid faggot who goes onto irc alot and is fat and ugly and has no dick!
Xtreme:am i ugly
Icepick: Yes you are!
by Icepick November 21, 2004
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adj.) A way of telling someone that they are very nice. It is weird to parents, but super normal for kids and teenagers. Usally said to good friends, or when they did something great.
Person 1: Did you see my 3 point shot? By the way you are nice!
Person 2: Yes! And you are Xtremely sweet!
____________________________ That's okay, you're still Xtremely sweet!
by willywill2004 February 19, 2017
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