A dumb new hip-hop dance invented by V.I.C.
V.I.C., one of the worst rappers in the game, can be seen doing the wobble in his newest crap music video.
by makavelll October 24, 2011
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Having a condition that severely impairs your body movement and/or speech functions to a degree that would cause you to be mistaken for a developmentally challenged person, but without actually impairing your mental faculties.
The comedian Francesca Martinez has cerebral palsy, but she prefers to call it 'being a bit wobbly'.

My grandfather had a stroke. His brain is fine but now he's gone wobbly.
by Jezza1001 June 20, 2013
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A coloquiloul used to define a pub crawl; from which no memories can be obtained.
Richard Lang: 'Lets go for a wobble in Wibsey!'
---Morning After---
Richard Lang: 'Why am i naked?, Why does my arse hurt?'
by biggayashleigh October 6, 2006
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Dude 1: You going to that party tonight?

Dude 2: Yeah man, we are gonna go get wobbly.
by BreadbasketGangsta January 6, 2011
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Are you going to have another bite of your delicious Cherry Wobbly?
by jordache_ur_hero March 18, 2010
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A mobile home. Usually single wide with its inhabitants perpetually wearing wife-beaters and drinking Hamms.
Travis used to live in a wobbly, but he got himself a real house now.
by three dog night July 16, 2013
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Beers (plural). Origin of the word comes from the state one is in after consuming too many beers: wobbly.
Gonna have a few wobblies tonight mate?
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