What follows Wikidrinks.
I had WAY to many Wikidrinks at that cyberbar and got a mean case of the Wikileaks.
by tha malcontent April 8, 2011
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n., (WIH-kee-leek) a collaborative process whereby one takes a piss while allowing anonymous others unfettered access to and control of the flow of urine.

Frequently produces extremely unreliable results including wildly inaccurate aim, incomplete evacuation, and a general lack of familiarity with the source material.
Example 1:
Person A: "God damnit! You sprayed piss all over the bathroom again!"
Person B: "Honey, it was beautiful! I helped destroy the oppressive bathroom meritocracy by letting others pee for me, allowing the free market to relish its inexplicable sense of exceptionalism in spite of any individual lack of skill or intelligence.
Person A: What a load of horseshit.
Person B: No, dear, wikidump is entirely different and won't be available until a subsequent open-source beta.

Example 2:
Man: "No officer, I wasn't cruising the bathroom, I was taking a wikileak."
Police Man: "Sure thing, Senator Craig…"
by SuperRobert July 26, 2010
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when you post something on facebook or a blog that someone said and/or did that you don't like so that THE ENTIRE WORLD knows
yeah, but i totally wikileaked her ass and posted that clip of her puking and shouting racial slurs...so i win in the end
by tallscience December 1, 2010
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When a condom splits opens during intercourse allowing vital fluids to be exchanged between active partners during sex.

Especially problematic under Swedish rape law.
Julian got into trouble with the Swiss authorities over his WikiLeaks
by Marine Iguana December 16, 2010
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The word used to describe 1.(a) website(s) that is so amazing that Wikileaks craps their pants when they try attempting to hack it. 2. Top secret documents that if released by Wikileaks would result in thousands of riots around the world until every person held responsible for the release was brutally executed.
1. Urban Dictionary is the most amazing un-Wikileakable website ever that Wikileaks knows wtf would happen to them if they tried hacking it.

2. If Wikileaks published Un-Wikileakable documents such as one stating that the Pope had sex with prostitutes around the world and was really Muslim then they would have the shit kicked out of them for it.
by akararules December 10, 2010
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Euphemism nurse uses when the cushion on your favourite wicker chair needs changing again.
Oh dear, Mrs T, have we had another wikileak?
by Tim Dim Jim December 8, 2010
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some ass who tells your embarrasing secrets just because they can, generally teenage girls.
Emily: "Oh My God! Tanya told everyone i like Joe!"
Friend: "What a WikiLeaks douche!"
by Biggy T January 9, 2011
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