A rude girl, usually with blonde hair. She is sure to bring everyone down, in social settings she's known as the popular one, everyone tries to act like her. She trashes EVERYONE behind their backs. She lies to everyone and thinks she's all cool and tries to act older than she really is. Ginger-Torins are the best. Although Torin's can be really rude, respect them. Treat nicely, because you don't want to be on their bad side.
Girl: The new girl called me ugly!
Girl 2: Great! She's become a Torin!

Boy: She's cute!

Boy 2: Don't go there dude! She's a Torin!
by State-The-Truth July 5, 2015
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A girl who is so cool that no one else can even touch on her swag. Anyone who can be called a "Torinator" is automatically one of the elite cool people in the world. It's one of the best things a girl can be called.
Yo man, that chick is so fly. She be like a torinator. Real talk
by Kaitlin Johnson October 28, 2010
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craddle robber, youngin snatcher, mr. elementary, chin chin, etc.
there goes mike again going after that "hott" little 8th grader. daaah, hes a torin!!!
by ===D (|) your momma;) April 5, 2003
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