When your love handles burst out over the top of your tight pants, giving your lower back/butt the appearance of a muffin.
Man Look at Joanie over there with those skanky jeans on, she sure has a wild case of muffin top.
by Steff is my name you cow April 25, 2006
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thy butt hath overflowith thine tiny pants
"mom's muffin top makes her skinny jeans look like fatty jeans"
by elodie December 13, 2006
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The physical act whereby the male, with aid of lubricant (frequently sweat) , performs intercourse with the folds of skin which hang over a woman's low-rise jeans.
Paul was so into the new girl he got into muffin-topping her in the stairwell.
by rabelais10 August 3, 2010
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A word used to describe one whos fat is desperately trying to escape the suffication from tight jeans resulting in the fat tumbeling over.
Shayna is such a fatass look at her muffin top!
by AaGeLiNa August 5, 2005
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when a fat person is wearing a way too small shirt and her fat hangs out of her shirt and over her belt.
"she has huge muffin tops."

by nick cash November 19, 2006
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Muffin-top: When someone's fat spills out of their tight, or too low cut for their figure pants and hangs over the sides like a muffin. This phenomema usually occurs in tandem with what is supposed to be a belly shirt, but becomes a reason for someone else to start a diet.
That muffin-top over there makes me wanna puke...I think I wanna go to the gym today.
by Big Biotch March 28, 2006
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A number one pop techno hit in Israel performed by Jenna Maroney
I know you want a piece of that/whole grain low fat/But i just wanna dance Muffin top
by Anal Dan April 20, 2010
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