yellow toothed girl who has abnormally big tits for a 5 foot 1 girl who weighs less than 100 pounds
Tits McGee is the girl you usually hear about sleeping around with 5+ guys at a very young age. she wears tight cloths and camis that make her boobs look even bigger
by MrGiggle October 15, 2007
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Nickname used to describe a female friend who is constantly putting down males. Can also describe a woman in PMS.
Aaron: Man, did you hear Angie earlier? She kept telling me I was scum, and to be ashamed of my man-parts!

Leon: Oh great, here comes Tits McGee.
by lordacro January 23, 2007
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A female of the human species who is blessed with unusually large tits and is objectified for this feature.
Oh, hey, there's big-tits mcgee.
Man 1: Do you know big-tits mcgee?
Man 2: No. Describe her.
Man 1: She has big tits.
Man 2: Oh yeah I know her.
by RKDaniels September 17, 2007
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A singer who sings about corn in poop and other bodily functions
"Corn in my poop- Tits Mcgee"
by Cassie Stepanek February 24, 2009
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Originally this term was assigned to women suffering from a mammary defecation but in recent years it has been used for both women and men as a term of endearment.
Sweetheart can you be sure to drop off my cardigan at the cleaners? A homeless man threw a bag of feces at me while yelling “Shit Tits Mcgee” at the top of his lungs.
by HashSkillet November 25, 2022
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A small boy with overly sized man tits ridiculed by others. People that often ridicule them are called Matt and are sometimes very offensive
by Tubby bilbo January 26, 2017
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An exclamation of joy or wonder; a phrase that you say when you cannot believe what you just saw.
"That squirrel just attacked my dog!"
"Holy tits Mcgee!"
by Tony Q August 25, 2007
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