A group of idiots who for some reason like Alabama.
Bob: “ROLL TIDE !!”
by oyeet January 9, 2018
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The act of misleading someone due to your own ignorance or too lazy to know any better; making a obvious mistake due to being too lazy to have found out any better or really not caring about giving misleading information. Usually these people being ignorant will yell "Roll Tide" after being called out on their mistake, this is in reference to they are Alabama fans and really didn't know any better in the first place.
That guy said he had a 1968 Shelby GT500 he found in a barn for sale, I drove 30 minutes only to find out it was a 1973 Mustang II with a 4cyl, he Roll-Tided me so bad.
by lowdollar February 10, 2015
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While performing the art of love of the canine persuasion, the man quickly pulls his member from his partners fleshy crevace, spreads her cheeks, and hocks a big one in her anus. Then, WITHOUT PERMISSION, jams his member into said anus with intent to wreck. *Note: Chafing will ensue*
"Dude, I totally Roll Tided two bitches last nite. You could say I completely wrecked'em... and now my balls stink."
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1. A chant between Alabama families before performing sexual acts together.

2. A phrase Alabama homophobes use to call out openly LGBTQ+ people.
Emily: "Step bro, help, I'm having troubles with my skirt!"
Kevin: "Roll Tide!"
by XZedKindaDedX June 21, 2021
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A statement typically made by Alabamians that lets everyone know they’re rolling through the tides of life, high or low, with their cousin.
Hey Mark, you Roll Tide?

by Trevton December 2, 2021
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we are going to blow this team out
The Cowboys are going to Roll Tide on the Eagles this Sunday!
by December 25, 2022
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When you're addicted to packing fat lips, but your girl wants to bang so you throw a fat lip in and bang her and yell "Roll Tide"
This bitch down In Alabama hopped off her horse and said "Roll Tide dip" and I said "yee-haw"
by Outlaw yee haw February 28, 2017
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