1. Half a man's boner. Or, a half man's boner. Or, half a stock. Or, a partially softy.

2. A spliff that has mostly tobacco. Derivative of Spliff.
1. "I wish I'd stop popping spiffs in class."

2. Person 1: "Hey, sorry man, I only have enough pot for a spiff."
Person 2: "That's okay, I have to go to work, I don't want to get too high anyway."
by Ramblin' Rose September 8, 2006
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Really good, cool, or admirable. Shorter form of spiffing
That movie is damn spiff!
by Julia November 15, 2003
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an altercation, usually trivial and between two women.
Jackie and Kristy had a spiff about the stupidest thing the other day.
by Spiffmaster July 15, 2008
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the root of such words as spiffy and spiiferific (although the latter is a compound word including terrific). Used mainly as an expletive in much the same was as fuck although can be used as a remark of amazement, shock or suprise.
Boss: "You are going to have to work overtime."
Worker: "Spiff!"

Grocery Clerk: "You just won the sweepstakes."
Shopper: "Spiff!"
by Anonymous November 8, 2002
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Male creature known for his love of taking ladies "up the wrong 'un".
Do you want it "Spiff" style?
by Barreler August 19, 2003
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A shortened version of the word spiffing used to express how something is good, cool, fun, nice etc.
"Last night was spiff"
by dark-darkling05 October 15, 2005
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To go somewhere with some buddies. Not anywhere in particular.
"Let's spiff on over to Daves and hit him up for some weed"
by lizspittle April 3, 2007
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