When you're eating a girl out while she's in a doggy style position and she farts, making your hair stick up like a quail.
I'm using extra shampoo because your mom quailed me last night.
by flynt169 June 23, 2010
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a quail is a girl or boy who is to young to have sex derives from the word jailbait
look at those quailers qualing it out.
or im getting some quail tonight.
by goddie October 1, 2007
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A term in which random people would use to release their feelings in random forms.
Hey you wan'na hang out tonight?

by xxquails626xx August 2, 2009
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another word for "cool"

also can say "quailure" as another word for "failure"
"haha quailure!"

"shut up!"

"dont worry about it, its all quail"
by ilsicnasty<3 March 27, 2010
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Man 1: Dude, there are so many quails here tonight.
Man 2: Yeah this place is freakin' quail city.
Man 1: Let's get it done.
Man 2: Word bro.
by AMK August 5, 2006
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The noise made by one's bottom after eating rich food.
"After eating Chris's cooking, my arse was quailing all night"
by Weirdbeard September 17, 2007
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A word used to express a confused or surprised remark.
by n o r t h July 19, 2006
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