Bro, that's Pez!
by Anonymous October 23, 2002
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1. peasent
2. poor
3. bad
4. unfair
person1:"that guy stole my chair"
person2:"how pez"
by Silent Fire July 19, 2003
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A pez can be one or all of the following.

1. An emofag
2. A Thick bastard
3. An Immature wanker
4. A midget
1. "Look at that emofag over there listening to lostprophets, hes such a pez
2."AHAHAHA that pez does not understand the relative advantages of a communist society""
3."Look at that loser over there with his pecker out, he’s a complete pez"
4."Poor Nikki and her vertically challenged boyfriend John, he's king pez"
by Tomwas November 21, 2004
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Something that is awesome or amazing
Guy 1 - "I just won a lifetime supply of chocolate!"
Guy 2 - "That's fucking pez bro!"
by Shizzwizzle February 3, 2009
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1. Candy
2. A person of Persian decent, generally derogatory
1. I like eating Pez candies, they are my favorite.
2. Stop eating kebobs, damn pez
by Quasi Motto March 23, 2008
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A term used to describe an individual, situation, item or pretty much anything that is; not worth you're time, pathetic or just flat out rubbish.
Boy: "I really can't be bothered going out tonight, can we just sit in and watch bake off?" Girl: "Stop being Pez!"
"That free kick was Pez."
by Pez Guy September 16, 2015
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A fish!
not a bloody sweety, but a fish.
not to be confused with pescado which are dead pez to be eaten.
"oh! look at that pez in the aquarium, he's a big fellow"

despite what this dictionary wants you to believe it is actually pronounced "peth"
by Senor Dwenathon March 2, 2003
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