Cory Stearns is probably the best human species ever created. Here are a few reasons why. His look are unique, including a lil soul patch and beatiful adorable teeth that are so great that one could just pull them out and wear them as a necklace. His is skinny, but trying to bulk up for his girl, even though he dont have to. Cory's hair has been many lengths, but it is best when its a few inches shorter than semi pictures. his eyes are a foresty green, like the coldplay song. he is the best drummer in the school district and has a band with metalcore music. his passion for his woman and music is beyond this planet.. his humor is refreshingly witty and although his girlfriend is funnier, he can make her smile any day. his wardrobe is skaterish, but recently has turned more contemporary. cory has a big heart, which i think is the most important thing of all. he has tons of patience, and always is calm, if he isnt freaking out about thinking that his girlfriend is mad at him, which she could never be mad at him. this kid has potential. i know he'll make it. look out world <3 here comes the little drummer boy!
I love Cory Stearns will all my heart.
by srtnsrtns January 18, 2011
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Resulting from people never leaving Stearns County, Minnesota. Inbreeding to this severity results in adults teaching biology for way too long to a class full of inbred stearns county children, drinking too much german beer, and dating your first cousin. Common last names include Schramel, Mueller, Schmitz, Schmitt, Gerken, or any other german last name.
Mrs. Bio Teacher: "Okay children, did you know there is a syndrome named after us? Yes, Stearns County Syndrome manifests itself as inbreeding in Stearns County citizens."
by Stearns County Girl October 21, 2011
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If you’re lookin’ to send your child to a school where they’ll be surrounded by white ignorant, immature, and racist children - Stearns High School is the perfect place for you.
by Mount Katahdin May 5, 2020
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A syndrome, historically taking place in Stearns County, MN, as a result of being incestial, or having a high rate of inbrededness.

It also may reference thinking your county or area is better than other counties or areas, on the basis of arbitrary lines drawn over 100 years ago. Also seen in the entire state of Wisconsin.
Guy: WTF?! That cougar only dates 20 year olds from her own county. I want her bad.

Girl: Dude, she's a ginger. Obviously a big sign of Stearns County Syndrome.
by Here to Learns August 13, 2010
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When individual assets are worth more than the total valuation.

When a group of girls as a whole seem unattractive but when viewed individually, aren't bad.

Opposite of the Cheerleader Effect.
Check out those girls again. We wrote them off before, but I think it's actually the Bear Stearns Effect.
by Sante Fe September 5, 2011
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(verb) to thoroughly, completely, and totally fail at life.
I don't want to bear stearns.

I totally bear stearnsed that exam.

This year was sort of a disaster; it's probably time to stop bear stearnsing!

by bear stearns May 20, 2008
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Like every other nicole in the world pompous, conceited, full of herself and all for good reason.
Shes acts like nicole stearns, that guy is lucky.
by JustSomeGuyWhoNeverCanFinish.. November 16, 2011
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