It's basically like saying "hell yeah!"

As commenly used on iCarly
"Do you want to go bowling this weekend?"

"Shoosh yeah! Sounds like fun"
by TQ82 December 3, 2009
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The word originated in the college town of Chico, CA. Several white male suburban students were enjoying the refreshments of natty light keg beer when a man named rave wolf proclaimed "Fur Shoosh I'm looped" This word carries the same meaning as fa sho.
"We can make up words like snoop too, Fur Shoosh"
by Chad March 22, 2005
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1. To shut up your paparazzi in an annoying way.

2. To shoosh someone's pap

3. To pap someone's shoosh
Dave: I am going to shut up your paparazzi in an annoying way tomorrow morning.
John: Well I am going to shoosh your pap!
Dave: Well, that's going to be a hard shoosh pap then.
by Loltusci March 11, 2013
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The act of Shooshing a Pap, or subsequently papping a shoosh.
My dog pooped on the floor so I rolled up a newspaper and gave him a good shoosh pap.

Get down here right now, or I'll shoosh your pap!
by Shooshpapper June 9, 2011
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When someone on an opposing team is losing in multiplayer and 'actin' a fool.' But they still talking trash. You exclaim this phrase to put 'dem busters' in their place. And silence them mofos.
Theo proclaimed loudly, "shoosh yo shit!" To them annoying fags on the other team over his headset.
by Jawdrey March 17, 2017
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shoosh up about that k? simply means to be quiet about something. someone can be told to shoosh up about that if they are being noisy or even is they not doing anything at all.
shoosh up about that k? dunt matter but just shoosh k?
shoosh up about that noodle winkleman k?
No about that just make sure you shoosh up.
by babymen January 27, 2012
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