The brown stuff that comes out my ass in da bathroom
“I went in and took a Gay Shit” and felt like the whole house got to smell my gayness
by The gay foggat October 29, 2019
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It's a typical gay person with a shit on it
Me: Hey john dave are you a gay shit?

Dave: meh
by xdddddddddddffdddd March 27, 2018
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1. when somebody does something thats HomoSexual
2. if somebody is acting stupid or immature
"man pull your pants up your on that gay shit" - Random Guy.
by J2daDtotheT July 9, 2009
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its when after you're done defecating (poop) and you're anus hurts.
person 1: yo, i just took a gay shit my ass hole hurts right now!
person 2: bro i hate when that shit happens
by chadly fergison April 25, 2018
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