Smallest unit used in the HEX.COM crypto currency to determine interest payments: there's no more resolution beyond this; often combined with SI prefixes to make larger units: typically the T-Share.
"I'm stacking those shares like I used to stack sats back in the day. HEX.COM FTW!"
by ArmAddAsk June 15, 2021
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Watching your partner have sex with another person as a form of fore-play.
Kim and I are into sharing.
by Franziskaner February 9, 2010
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To share with one another
You have plenty of blanket left, be shareful.
by Southern.jdm January 21, 2019
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The art of being nice and giving to others a portion of what one has.
share sharing
ration cut part
portion allowance
Jerri is a very shareful person; she always gives a portion of her lunch to her coworkers.
by mactwisted October 10, 2009
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I am a dumbass who date guys with small dicks
“I am a dumbass because I spelt sharing as shareing”
by DumbRoast69 May 7, 2018
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Sarah: (eating a box of cookies)
Tim: you should share
Sarah: Sharing doesn’t exist
by Sarah’s Dictionary August 10, 2018
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Raising awareness of an issue by clicking Share on Facebook.
Karen clicked Share on the Facebook post about an issue dear to her heart thus raising shareness with her friends.
by Pineapple Hwy September 5, 2015
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