A great word to use in any context it can be used to say almost anything, if this was a real word it would be the type of word that would be used to make up your wordcount in essays :)
shes such a scag whore
we're gonna scag it up (nick it)
we could always scag up Dunstable (hang around and beg for drink and friends or were gonna get drunk)
You are such a scag
They scagged us up
I was propa scagged up last night (really drunk)
Im going to meet my scag up kru (meeting the scags)
by Mitch Brooke January 24, 2007
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The after effects of taking drugs, the feeling of a comedown. You will feel tired, have no apatite and depressed until the effects wear off.
"Boys what a Scag, I took half a gram last night I feel like shit"
by Mdandpills May 18, 2017
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Dry or cracked flakey skin located on or near the heel of your significant other. Typically you gag when a body part of yours gets hooked by the scag.
Babe go get a pedicure, your scags keep grabbing me!
by Scagtastic September 9, 2018
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black dots that form on a womans vagina and butthole. They fill with puss and explode with poop.
Collin blanco has scags
by buttking June 2, 2010
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Hey i just got bsed by a dude from clan scag.
by Bloody(scag) April 30, 2006
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A young man from Dedham, MA. Known for having the first confirmed case of Type S Diabetes. Having Type S has always been difficult for Scag, he can't bate, can't drink alcohol and can't go south!
Jim: "Did you hear about Scag???"
Matt: "Yeah, he has the betes..."
Jim: "I heard the last time he tried to bate he broke his hip"
by Jim McBride October 19, 2008
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The world's coolest band teacher/director/friend ever! Lives and breathes music during school, but actually has an outside life.
Scags did the funniest thing in band class the other day. or You should have seen Scags on the Disney Band Trip!
by ClarinetCrazy April 8, 2007
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