A lil gay ass nigga who goes after white girls. He is very short consider a midget and will suck dick for a dollar. He owns the Lil Dick Gang and dick rides off of people. Regi is also known for being a gay ass lil bitch around boys.
Hey it's Regi!
Hell no! He's a lil dick nigga!!
by A yellow banana man April 20, 2018
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adjective. ME. ca. 2004. Describing or pertaining an event/action that incorporates outrageous stories, lots of drugs, pube-esque facial hair, and severe hygeinic deficiency.
"Dude, stop being so Regis, or we'll smack you. Now go shower."
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1:Name given to someone whos name you dont know or dont need to know.
2:Used for friends.
1:Random passer by-"Hello"
You-"wassup regi?"
Big issue guy-"you want a big issue?"
you-"Na thanx regi!"
2:friend-"hey man howsit hangin?"
you-"yo regi, yeah cruisin, you?!"
by mary June 15, 2004
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A school where the colour of your socks determines your success. Where teachers are only interested in their wages and not students safety. A place often mistaken for hell and where if “standards” are not met your a failure. Students often to scared to raise there hand in class in fear of embarrassment but never mind the teacher will pick on you instead. Also don’t forget if you don’t fit the trends of society your mocked at.
Teacher-“are they white socks
Student-“yeah is that a problem”
Teacher-“don’t answer back and yes they are a distraction to your peers”
Student-“but you asked a question so I answered”
Teacher-“pack up your things and go to the study room”
Now that’s the regis school
by Theregisschool December 16, 2020
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Uncle Regis is slang for marijuana, weed, pot, etc.
Where were you Billy?
Oh I was hanging out with Uncle Regis earlier.

Did Uncle Regis pay you a visit today?
by Nicki Minaj January 7, 2010
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a school where the male teachers use more make up then the female ones, and the teachers care more about what you wear than personal safety.
We work at the regis school, Lets stare at the pupils feet as they walk in and say it's because we are checking uniform, when secretly we have all have feet fetish's.
by TehRegisScool April 18, 2014
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A phrase you can say when you don't want to use the Lord's name in vain. First name from Regis Feldman.
Oh Regis Christ, what the hell is going on?!
by bonbonformonomon2 February 3, 2011
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