An Essex vagina. Loose, tanned, baggy, cheap and you can put anything inside it
“She’s rough AF, she’s got a right Primark bag on her!”
by Pinkstarbuck November 21, 2021
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Someone who is as weak as a paper bag from Primark
Friend 1: *taps Friend 2*
Friend 2: *shreds instantly*
Friend 1: "God, you're such a Primark Bag."
by BlueXander May 25, 2023
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about a woman who pooped herself when she was fighting
niger: did u see the primark video?
me: yes
by Nzxke July 15, 2022
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to molest/dry hump someone in an inappropriate public place such as a budget highstreet shop or bus shelter
''Will is really into Primarking, but I'm having none of it''

''This woman was watching us Primarking and she loved it''
by 2009ThePrimarker March 14, 2009
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