A vagine capable of popping out eight little rugrats. Very rare indeed; the product of a Beverly Hills mad scientist.
Yo, did you hear about that whack doc who created Octopussy? The entire medical community is going to be probing him soon! I hear it will be on Pay-per-view.
by VespaRules February 11, 2009
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An octopus like organism that dwells in the cookies of young transexual women. whenever the subject is seeking stimulation during the night, the octopussy will delve deeper into the cookie dough that it has burrowed in and wrap its 70 tentacles around the walls of the meat sack and start massaging and pulsating causing the subject to experience multiple orgasims and can even distort the mind into creating a dream where the subject in question will begin to fantasize about her grandmother. Once the first rays of dawn begin to show, the Octopussy will crawl out of its habitat and absorb all of the subject's liquids out of her bedsheets. This mutualistic relationship is the result of hormonic, slutty whores.
Woah.... what happened last night, my insides are buzzing and I feel.... wet? I feel dirty, guess I'll have to cancel happy hour for a shower. *man bursts in*
by Anne of Gables September 4, 2010
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: noun.

1. Having a raunchy orgy with 8 women of aboriginal descent.

2. The vagina or "pussy" of the octopus.
1. Jim: "Kevin you will not believe what I did last night!"
Kevin: "What did you do, Jim? Tell me now! I'm so eager to know."
Jim: "I got some rank octopussy!"
Kevin: "DAMN! Gotta love that octopussy!"

2. Harold: "Look at that octopus! She has a colossal octopussy!"
by EyeEatUOut June 28, 2009
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Is a super pussy aka really good pussy that can due 8 different tricks it doesn't stretch out no matter how many times you go in it grips the D, it can take the D, it gets supper wet, it climaxes to the bid O, it pussy farts aka tut, it can take it from the back, it can get on top and pop the pussy, can bring to his climax in 8 strokes.
Man. Dude! NIGGA!!! I got that octopussy last night shit had me on zero to 100 real quick you feel me.
by SessyLady March 23, 2016
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when a girl lies under a guy during anal both with all limbs spread as he thrusts. turning into a octopussy orgasm
goose and chelsea enjoyed their octopussy last night
by dumbshits inc. March 1, 2008
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the vagina of an octopus.
that octopus has an octopussy.
by iMakefunoffish October 16, 2009
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Durante don't fuck with her, that bitch got an octopussy.
by bvny November 9, 2020
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