She’s beautiful amazing gorgeous cute and just an wonderful friend to have a mitzy jokes around a lot and likes to run she is all so really sexy and has a beautiful and amazing smile a mitzy is also really smart and strong you will never find another perfect person then a mitzy.... there really hot🙃😅
Mitzy: I’m breaking up with you
Lucky dude: WHAT WHY!?!
Mitzy: nah jk ily🤣
Lucky dude ilyt
by It’s to say the truth March 18, 2019
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A cute and common name for a Pomeranian. Other versions of Mitzi are Mitzy ,Bermitzfia or just plain Mitz.

The story goes that Mitzi was bought from Beverly. Her dog had recently died and she wanted to replace him. Therefore, Bev, bought a Pomeranian and named her Mitzi. But every time she looked at Mitzi it only made her cry. She wanted to find a new owner. And told the girls at Pet Ranch, where she recently bought the puppy. Everything happened so rapidly. Somehow, Mitzy became owned by the sister of the girl who worked at Pet Ranch. The new owner fell in love with Mitzy, giving her a loving home and a place in her heart forever.
Sorry, Bev, You told me to let you know if I was ever going to give Mitzi away. Well, it's been 3 years and counting.

Dog's name Mitzi and other Pomeranians are usually very loud, when it comes to strangers. They are like mini guard dogs. You can't help but love.
by Azndanaette January 31, 2008
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A mitzy is a very amazing person who would do so great but just needs a little push in life :)
by Pundeh August 23, 2020
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Friend 1: Damn you see that girl over there?
Friend 2: Yea she gave my bro the herpes!
Friend 1: thanks for tellin me, I'll pass on that mitzie.
by boniva July 27, 2006
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Caleb is mitzie.
by BOFFed June 21, 2009
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The look you get when you pause while speaking to mentally search for the next word. Another person gives you the impatient and frustrated stupid (mitzie) look while shrugging their shoulders and bulging their eyes while cocking their head to one side.
While describing the event, I paused to use the right word and got the "mitzie."

by Holmesbody August 18, 2008
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a beautiful, talented, sexy young lady
that mitzy moo is hot!
by yeahyeahyeahyeah October 14, 2007
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