just another, shortened way of saying "later" or "goodbye".
by annonymus January 16, 2004
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1. When a female's period is late, and she believes she might be pregnant.

2. Someone who's dead.

3. Shortened version of "later" as in goodbye

4. Not on time
1. Oh, fuck, I'm late .. .

2. The late Mr. Norris


4. Ach, sorry I'm late!!
by hallohallohallo February 6, 2009
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A term to mean someting is tired, no good, lacks taste, ugly, any negative description.
Very popular among black gay men.
That dress is so late.
He was so late for leaving me a lone.
This show is so LATE.
You're late.
by Jurran June 2, 2006
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When you like someone else while you are dating another male or female
He was lating
by Mugg4 May 21, 2017
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slang: to proclaim that one is in the process of vacating the premises. To say good-bye to a homey. Also short for: later, as in "see you later."
Ima fuck, aite. Late.

I'll see you at the club, late man.
by ookiemonster April 22, 2003
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