A day to celebrate some of the best people to have crossed your path
Happy July 3rd”
by Ahahahakf July 3, 2023
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The day the forces of tiktok and Snapchat single-handedly ripped 5 peoples lives apart and more yet to come. main perpetrators are (@s.boomin06 and many more)
Practically the annual baitout day
(Public Holiday)
Did you see what happened to DK,David.A1,Mk,Lola on July 3rd. Fucking hell
by hi hola amigos July 4, 2022
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national smegma day, today is the day where smegma is appreciated and normalized
Guy1: yo its july 3rd, what color is your smegma

Guy2: its purple, what about yours?

Guy1: piss yellow, wanna make out?
by Tophy_ayylmao April 8, 2023
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