A bestselling fantasy book and film series written by English author J.K. Rowling.

Originally intended to be a children's book series. However, the intelligent and whimsical world of a boy who's miserable life suddenly transforms around him into an epic journey through a fantastic world of wizards, witches and mystical creatures, where every aspect (regardless of how small) is magical,
has attained the incredibly rare achievement of accessibility to readers of any age.

The central story follows Harry Potter as he attends the wizarding school Hogwarts, located outside of Hogsmeade, Scotland.
The stories revolve around Harry's interaction and exploration of a world parallel to our own, filled with magical foods, vehicles, monsters and sports.
The story's primary challenge and danger, lies in the return of a powerful, old enemy who had destroyed Harry's immediate family. Leaving him marked by a scar on his forehead.

Each of the seven books in the series represents a single "year" at Hogwarts. Each containing an episodic challenge that is to be overcome, whilst maintaining a coherent plot which encompasses the entirety of the series. Every book also features the three main protagonists coping with the gradual changes of puberty and social responsibility, as their eyes are opened to the, often times, harsh world around them.
Every book also reveals more about the world itself, including traditions, other schools and life outside of school.
Pivotal are his relationships with these two friends: Hermione Granger (A know it all bookworm) and Ronald Weasley (Harry's earnest, faithful best friend)
Like most of the characters in the series, both Ron and Hermione gradually evolve past these initial stereotypes into rich characters and change drastically as they become adults.

All an all, a very enjoyable book series that becomes increasingly darker and deeper as one progresses through the series.
Very rarely does an author create a world that is really cool AND that the reader would actually want to live in and be part of.
Harry Potter is a very fun and enjoyable series. Don't be quick to judge, as you may miss something truly great.
by FlowersInMidgar October 25, 2006
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see twat
it is also a good way to insult some one
your a harry bloody potter eg.
cry baby
bed wetter
by patches O'hoolahan August 23, 2006
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When playing Fortnite if yu build a 1x1 and get trapped under your stairs by accident then yu say I’ve harry pottered myself
Person2: what!?
Person1: i just harry pottered myself!!
Person2:peek he’s probably gonna get high ground on yow ass lmao
Person1: fuckk yu..
*made with my great imagination*
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First the man grows out a huge bush. 70's style, so if standing on your head it would look like a hasidic jew "beard/nose" combo.
Then you shave it off and place it in a ziploc bag keeping it in close proximity to the next location of sexual promiscuity.
So the next time you're barebacking a chick from behind pull out just in time to unleash your jizzum all over the female buttocks.

Quickly grab the ziploc and dump contents all over said jizzum. wipe it in nice and good then jump on her back with enough forward momentum that your propelled off the bed on your makeshift flying broom (nimbus 2000)
Spencer: Why is your girlfriend so mad?

Kevin: She found out she sucks at flying.

Spencer: Airplanes????

Kevin: Nah, I gave her The Harry Potter and her ass barely cleared my dresser.
by Hoink Douglas September 27, 2009
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A series of books that often get compared to Lord of The Rings or Lemony Snicket's, Series of Unfortunate Events but really are nothing like the two.

Many people love to critisize the books even if they have never attempted to read them before.
Kid 1: Wow Harry Potter is so fucking stupid! Lord of The Rings is so much better!
Kid 2: Have you ever read any of the books?
Kid 1: No.
by pezrpeople2 May 15, 2005
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Actually, a really good series of books by J.K. Rowling.
Although Lord of the Rings is entirely original, and very good, it's no good for young kids because of the slower-moving plot.
Harry Potter is better for younger people.

The five books out now are:
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

There are two more books left to come.
My cousin is obsessed with Harry Potter, she actually makes out with his picture >gag<
by Loki July 25, 2003
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