Ronald Weasley

the only guy to ever stick his wand in Hermione Granger's cauldren
by Glennstar September 16, 2007
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Ronald Weasley

A fictional character in the series of books from J.K. Rowling that is the best friend of the protagonist "Harry Potter." Ron is played by the british actor Rupert Grint.
"Ron. Ron! Would u get of my arm?!"
by emily b June 7, 2004
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Ronald Weasley

Ronald "Ron" Weasley is a Pure-blood wizard fictional character in story book series, Harry Potter. He is known to be best friends with Harry Potter and Hermione Granger at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He has a younger sister and five older brothers, whose names are Ginny, Fred, George, Percy, Bill and Charlie. His spouse is Hermione Granger and has two children, Rose and Hugo Granger-Weasley.
Ronald Weasley is Gay.



by MelonBed April 26, 2019
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Ronald Weasley

Ron Weasley may be a fictional characer, but he sure is orgasmic.
by Liv July 31, 2004
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Ronald Weasley

Harry Potter's best friend. However, since the release of the Harry Potter movies most discussion that was about this character has turned to discussion about *Ronald's Weasel*.
cool_Chik1: Ronald Weasley is sooo hotttt!

cool_Chik2: Yeah! I want Ronald's Weasel!

cool_chik1: yeah!!!!!!!!
by Non Existant July 21, 2005
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Ronald Bilius Weasley

The full name of Ron Weasley, a character in the Harry series. Played by Rupert Grint.
Ronald Bilius Weasley, where have you been? - Molly Weasley, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
by PotterWatch August 7, 2010
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