Frigg was the goddess of marriage and justice. In Norse Mythology she was foremost among the goddesses and the wife of Odin (or Wodin). Thor was either her brother or stepson. Wednesday is named after Wodin, Thursday after Thor and Friday after Frigg.

The word frigg has nothing to do with wanking or fucking and is not a substitute for these pleasures of the flesh. Like many four letter words it would have passed down into modern usage from the Saxons/Vikings, and in sophisticated Norman England would have been considered as base and vulgar, a word used only by peasants.
Frigg had twelve handmaidens each with specialist powers. One of these for instance was Eir who was the god’s healer and it doesn’t take much imagination to visualise a hoary Viking banging his thumb while mending his shield and screaming out. “Oh Frigg, it hurt.” Thus hoping she would send Eir to ease his throbbing digit. Hence the modern expression, “Oh frigg it” when something goes wrong.

Similarly the same hoary Viking, when confronted with an enormous catastrophe like his longboat capsizing in the middle of the North Sea full of pillaged gold would have cried out, “Oh Frigg where are you. Have you deserted us? Well you can go and rot in Valhella” Obviously this is the root of the modern expression, “ Friggin Hell”, for something unbelievably surprising.
by Collers February 1, 2008
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Adjective - meaningless word added for emphasis, sometimes interrupting other words part way through. Often used as a substitute for "fucking" but slightly more polite AND LIGHTHEARTED. "Fuck" and its derivatives are generally considered quite harsh in most social circles.

Interjection - less common. Substitute "frig" for "fuck" in its usual situation to avoid abrasiveness.
adj - Hang on to yer friggin' hat.
adj - Absofrigginlutely
int - Frig, I wouldn't have known that.
by radiosonde October 29, 2007
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I can't he cheated on me again!! That friggin a!!!
by Amber October 22, 2003
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A substitution for a four-letter-word describing something. Other versions of this would be frick, freak, freaking, and/or frickin'.
I had a friggin' awesome day!

FRICK! That did NOT just happen, aw this sucks.
by Eve Delilah March 29, 2009
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the same as freakin, what some poele say instead of fukin. just written in an accent.
A: yo man, I got a friggin 40 in my math test.
B: thats gangsta gee, keep it up!!
by reza90 June 25, 2006
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a word used by teenagers when around thier parents, to still appear cool yet not get ground, used in place of the "F" word (OH NOES!!!)
by Dack9 March 14, 2005
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