often known as the tampon of the street scene cuz every pussy has one after the foxbody the mustang has evolved into a chick car with there 4.6 v8 i dont car if its a cobra or not there is no replacement for displacement
Lets go out and count how many ford mustangs we see today
by mc loven ur mom July 11, 2008
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Tools and chicks drive them, they are not cool.
hey look at that tool driving a ford mustang
by turdfurgeson July 11, 2008
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Most overrated car. Engine is too heavy, making acceleration and velocity slow. Also inefficient when it comes to fuel. A higher end economy car, such as a Nissan Maxima, could keep up and may even be faster than a mustang.

By the way, Honda NSX vs. Mustang. Honda NSX wins. Not all Hondas are slow, economy cars :-p.
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Cars that were great in the sixties, had big ass engines in the seventies, had really bad technology in the eighties, and just plain suck ass now a days. Also used as an adjective meaning something really shitty.
Damn dude when that puked on my lap I was totally thinking "what a ford mustang!"
by shoesrbad March 26, 2003
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The ricer of the muscle car world.

A over-rated, under-powered, vehicle ranked with the Chevy Camaro and Dodge Challenger.

A car for any arrogant, and cocky tool who has to draw attention from an obnoxiously loud exhaust.

every tool and girl needs one.

A vehicle produced by Ford, that can only beat a ricer, no more. (it they are lucky).

easiest way to waste $30,000.
Look at that tool and his Ford Mustang. too bad he only can beat that stock '92 civic.
by Who I am. Get over it! April 3, 2010
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The Ford Mustang is nice overrated pony car that is attracted to crowds and crash to often. Nickname: Crowd magnet
Look out!! A Ford Mustang incoming!!

You can take the mustang away from the mustang driver, but you can't take the mustang out of the mustang driver
by FULLMETALz July 4, 2018
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