When an unexpected fart startles you or wakes you from sleep.
1. "I fartled myself awake on the train."

2. "My baby keeps fartling himself awake. I can't get him to sleep through his gas."
by J Blo August 19, 2010
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When you fart in your sleep, jolt as a result and then roll over.
One time kraz farted in his sleep then jolted and rolled over. The tacos really got to him and he fartled himself.
by Moseefus July 1, 2018
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"Oh man. Worst fartle ever. I was afeared and thenjoy everything smelled terribly."
by 6username9 May 14, 2014
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- Noun

1. A feckless, contemptible, inconsequential little fart of a creature.

2. A worthless human being.
Fartling: "Hey hey, sign up to Pirates vs Ninjas already so we can play it together!!!!!!!"
Bloke: "Fuck off, go play your shit games with other people of your mental age, I have better things to do with my time, like work at my job."
Fartling: <Puffing chest, splaying arms> "Oi you fucking what mate, wanna fight? 1v1 me, I will wreck you hard"
Bloke: <Picks fartling up and throws him several metres> "I said, I have better things to do with my time!"
by Charlemagne1993 November 30, 2015
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a small fart often not thought to be worth mentionning, but can sometimes be followed through, resulting excremishing or a fartleberry.
see 'excremished'
there are never really examples as they are not often spoken of, unless resulting in a follow through, one may be on the bus and be confronted by a fellow human being who will say something along these lines
"'psst. man I need help, you know that smell...well I though it was a fartle, but seems there was more to it than that...you don't 'appen to 'ave a spair pair of undies do you?"
by Daniel Crompton November 19, 2003
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To be gagged and smothered by a fart.
While Brett was sleeping face up on the locker room bench, Brad sat on his face and fartled him.
by Doodles505 July 21, 2009
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The "gump" of society
I did not complete my grape, this is a fartling moment
by poopbuttinsoopsoop March 3, 2023
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